Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Woman and Her Doll- Ruth Handler

In 1959 the world of toys was changed forever by a woman under 12 inches tall, Barbie. Barbie was a pioneer in a time when baby dolls with cubby, rosey cheeks dominated the market. She was the first mass marketed adult-like doll and one of the first toys to have a marketing strategy based on television advertising. Since Barbie’s debut at the New York Toy Fair, in her zebra bathing suit, she has kept pace with the times and sported many influential and influenced looks over the decades.It is now estimated that over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold worldwide in over 150 countries (Wikipedia, â€Å"Barbie†). M. G. Lord, author of â€Å"Forever Barbie: The Unauthorized Biography of a Living Doll,† called Barbie the most potent icon of American culture of the late 20th century. She's an archetypal female figure, she's something upon which little girls project their idealized selves. For most baby boomers, she has the same iconic resonance as any female saints, a lthough without the same religious significance. Lord, Forever Barbie) Behind this icon of pop culture was a woman by the name of Ruth Handler. Ruth and her husband, Isador â€Å"Elliot† Handler founded Mattel in 1942. But it wasn’t until Ruth’s revelational busty figured, blue eyed, platinum blonde came on to the scene, that business really started booming.Handler’s inspiration came from watching her young daughter play. Barbra, whom Barbie was named after, showed little interest in playing with her baby dolls. Instead she preferred to dress up her adult-like cut out paper dolls. Every little girl needed a doll through which to project herself into her dream of the future,† Handler said, in a 1977 interview with The New York Times. â€Å"If she was going to do role playing of what she would be like when she was 16 or 17, it was a little stupid to play with a doll that had a flat chest. So I gave it beautiful breasts. † Barbie has undergone a lot of changes over the years and has managed to keep up with current trends in hairstyles, makeup and clothing. She has been a reflection of the history of fashion since her introduction to the toy market.The book â€Å"Forever Barbie: The Unauthorized Biography of a Real Doll,† discusses Barbie and her attire. Early outfits included â€Å"Friday Night Date† and â€Å"Sorority Meeting. † In years to follow, Barbie sported a Jacqueline Kennedy hairdoo and during the civil rights movement, Mattel created Barbie’s first black friend, â€Å"Colored Francie. † There have been many critics along the way, commenting on Barbies scientifically impossible body and â€Å"questionable portrayal of intelligence† (Kershaw, The New York Times).But as I and many others see it, Barbie has enhanced girl’s self-image and encouraged them to reach for stars and expanded their sense of potential. Over the past 50 years, Barbie has had vast and numerous c areers, from a surgeon to a gymnast to an astronaut. Ruth Handler and Barbie gave little girls all over the world the inspiration to dream of what they could one day aspire to be. Not only did Handler create a revolutionary doll with breasts, she also invented the worlds very first prosthetic breast (Ladies Home Journal Books).In 1970, Ruth was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy. At the time women were using lumpy socks and rolled up pantyhose to try to help resemble what they had lost in the surgery. Ruth saw this as unacceptable according to Veronica Horwell of the Guardian. With the help of a craftsman named Peyton Masses, Handler designed a line of realistic artificial breasts made from foam and silicon. She called her new product â€Å"Nearly Me† and formed the Ruthton Corporation to sell it (Horwell, Ruth Handler). Handler was intent on demystifying what was a taboo subject in the 1970’s.She became an outspoken advocate for early detection of breast cancer and offered her prosthetics as a way for women to feel good about themselves again. Handler’s â€Å"Nearly Me† was a great success and counting the former first lady Betty Ford among her numerous customers, she sold the company in 1991. Handler has been quoted saying many many times that she did not make a lot of money in it, but she rebuilt her self-esteem and hoped that she did the same for others. Ruth Handler has changed the lives of women young and old.She gave us all hope for the future through plastic and silicon. I think Ruth said it best in her autobiography, â€Å"Dream Doll: The Ruth Handler Story. † She writes â€Å" My whole philosophy of Barbie was that through the doll, the little girl could be anything she wanted to be. Barbie always represented the face that women had choices. † I think Ruth Handler and Barbie accomplished exactly that!Works Cited â€Å"Barbie. † Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundati on, Inc. 22 July 2004. Web. 27 November. 2010. Horwell, Veronica. â€Å"Ruth Handler: Creator of the Doll Whose Changing Style Defined Genera-tions of Young Women. † The Guardian. 02 May 2002. Kershaw, Sarah. â€Å"Ruth Handler, Whose Barbie Gave Dolls Curves. † The New York Times. 29 April 2002. Ladies’ Home Journal Books. 100 Most Important Women of the 20th Century. Des Moines, Iowa: Meredith Corporation, 1998. Lord, M. G. Forever Barbie: The Unauthorized Biography of a Living Doll. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1994. Ticona-Vergaray, Evelyn. â€Å"Barbies 50 years of Beauty and Controversy. † United Press International University. 08 November 2009. Web. 27 November 2010.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Forklift truck design – planning systems to enhance forklift safety

I have indentified a need that there is nominally a high rising â€Å"accident† rate which involves forklift trucks, with injuries and fatalities occurring to other workers and members of public who are in the area of the forklift truck whilst in use. I have chosen to design a product that could be fitted, to a forklift truck, which will improve safety and reduce â€Å"accidents† whilst a forklift truck is in use. Resulting in taking all of the above into account my single phrase function statement being â€Å"prevent accidents† however, theirs already methods, procedures and regulations in place to try and prevent â€Å"accidents† such as regulated speed limits, sufficient training in using a forklift truck and warning fixtures such as a drivers horn, hazard light. If an accident was to occur in most cases it will be blamed as an operators fault even if the safety scheme was in place. Employer areas of using forklift trucks, which are also known, to cause accidents. > Lack of training or improper training of employees who operate forklift trucks. > Time factors, having little time to carry out the job in hand causing stress and speeding. > Lack of proper attachments and accessories. > Wrongly tasked job of forklift truck or operators. – Not qualified, using the forklift incorrectly to do the wrong things. > Poor maintenance of forklift trucks Operational areas of using forklift trucks, which are prone, too cause accidents. > Incorrect reversing techniques. > Incorrect turning, use of space > Incorrect use – over loading & over reaching > Incorrect warnings to others about a forklift in use nearby, no signage or alarms/hazard lighting > Poor contact throughout joint jobs, or in shared spaces, could this result in the need of a banks man. > Giving rides on the forklift truck or load – also comes back to incorrect use. > Playing games, not taking the job in hand seriously resulting in stunt driving, erratically driven Having had a quick look at forklift trucks and the ways that they are used I have come to the decision that it would be very rare for a forklift to be involved in an â€Å"accident† due to malfunctions of the forklift truck itself but would result in the incorrect use due to operator error or areas which haven't been covered or have been vaguely thought about by the employee. â€Å"There are reputed to be over 8,000 reported accidents involving the use of forklift trucks in the UK each year and some of these result in fatalities. The majority of these accidents are caused by the lack of sufficient training of the operator, operator error, a lack of knowledge about the equipment and the working environment, bad truck maintenance, poor lighting conditions, inadequate gangways and unsuitable premises in which forklift trucks are used. In fact, slightly more pedestrians are injured as the result of a forklift accident than the operators themselves.† The above statement is taken from This statement stands by and proves what I have pointed out regarding forklift truck accidents. Having carried out some brief research I can now focus my thoughts onto exactly what I want to be able to achieve for example demands would be things that I would need the final product to have, the principle ideas if you will. wishes, would be the additions, which we don't exactly need but would be an added bonus. Demands Wishes To prevent accidents! Compact Easy to install alongside existing accessories Cheap to produce Universal fitting Works well alongside other accessories Robustness Looks nice Reliable Looks original against existing product Pedestrian safety improved Improved driver visibility Just from carrying out a simple task of listing demands and wishes explores areas, which are possibly endangering humans and infrastructures for example if the product we design does succeed with its demands, then the product its self with reduce risks and risk of accidents, therefore this would result in less employee time off work, less accidents and a lower risk of the health and safety executive getting involved resulting in a fine. All of these problems/potential incidents can be prevented by carrying out the correct procedures and using efficient products and accessories to do so†¦ for example an add on product/accessories that is built and engineered to these exact demands! Outline Specification An outline specification specialises in exact specifications during the early stages of a design process, this being the designing of an accessory to improve the safety whilst forklifts trucks are being used. The specification is to include the need of the particular product, which can then be quantified, by converting each demand into a specific broken down form. Functionality. The functionality would be to try and improve the driver's visibility, increase safety & awareness for pedestrians. User interaction. User Interaction would be visual for example – VDU Monitors so the forklift truck driver can closely examine what is going on with the truck in blind spot areas. Alarms & sensors could be also fitted so as these sound the operator will interact up on hearing these alarms and respond efficiently knowing that something or someone is potentially at risk Physical Form. The physical form of the product should improve the forklifts lifting capabilities and working in tight spaces. Robustness & Operating Environment. The product will have to be robust I,E it is going to be used in different climates, both hot, cold, wet and dusty. If electrical or electronic components are to be used these should be waterproofed in some kind of way, designing a casing that can with stand these conditions could do this. It would need to be made out of a heavy duty material due to the kind of environment being used in, to do this you could design the casing out of a heavy duty plastic or some kind of metal. Signals. Signals of the particular unit or accessory dependant on whether it is electrical/electronic based, it should be ensured that fast response times between display & alarm units are as close to real time as possible. Having Latency type effects will delay the operators response therefore could have already caused an â€Å"accident† Power Supply. Depending on the type of unit a separate battery source (12VDC) could be used, charging the unit off of the existing battery package, it would charge the unit whilst in use. However this may not be very efficient, with solar powered technology becoming more and more common, a little solar panel could be fitted therefore creating its own power supply and charging its own battery source. Safety. The final product designed would need to reach the EU standards and be CE certified, it would need to be proven that the product is safe, and is capable of carrying out the specified task Product Failure. If the product were to fail, it would have to be self-notifying i.e. and integrated alarm with in the unit to notify the operator that it is not working. If the product was to fail and not give any notification of doing so then the operator would still be relying on a piece of accident prevention equipment which could in fact cause an â€Å"accident† Maintenance. The Product should be easy to maintain, be located in a place where it is to do so, maintaining the product would mean checking that the product is working correctly and the connections are all in order. However the product will be designed to last in excess of 5 years under normal operating conditions before it should be due a â€Å"service† Costs. The Estimated development cost of producing this extraordinary accessory would be: à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½50k+ with the forklift truck product retailing at around: à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½350 with a DIY fitting package. However an installation and service/maintenance contract could be agreed resulting in extra income. Schedules. The schedule from designing the specified product to developing it would be roughly around 6 – 12 months. Development schedule would depend on Function Solution Matrix: Function Solution Principle Driver Visibility Cameras – Improving the view of driver, integrated VDU unit 1 Mirrors – Improve the drivers view 2 Maneuverability 5 Second reverse delay – Giving the driver a good chance to look round 2 Restricted speeds for built up area – Reducing the risk of accidents/crashes1 Pedestrian Visibility High-Visibility color's – Another way of enforcing the forklift trucks visibility 1 High intensity lights & Alarms – making people aware of the use of a forklift truck 2 Cordoned off areas/hot spots – reduces the risk of accidents to humans Object sensors Laser Sensors – limit speed of forklift truck depending on how close an object is to the truck, alerting driver Infra Red sensors – limit speed of forklift truck depending on how close an object is to the truck, alerting driver Solution one is rather complex when compared to solution two because it contains more electronic components This means that it may be of a higher potential to fail as there is more that could go wrong. However it would ensure that forklifts trucks that would be lifting more abnormal heavy loads the operator would be easily informed In comparison to solution one, the second solution is much more simple approach to satisfying the specification set. With this would bring better reliability however the product wouldn't be original. The use standardized alarms and hazard lights should be set as a standard, the more complex clever device is the 5-second reverse delay unit. This would delay the operation from putting the forklift truck into reverse giving the operator enough time to check and look around, investigating at this point in time the best route to take and look for instructions The unit would be an all in one manufactured unit in 1 part except the hazard lights. I have chosen to design and build a 5 second reverse power delay (Solution 2) with alarms to indicate a forklift truck is in presence. The 5-second delay gives the operator plenty of opportunity to look around to plan the route to be taken, and there are no objects/people in the way. Picture Taken from Standard alarm alerting people of forklift truck operation Hazard light visibility increased for blind/loss of sight people are notified of a forklift trucks operation When the main board detects the forklift truck is put into reverse there is a 5 second delay with restricted power/speed Finally a power source overseeing the whole operation ensuring there is power to all components in order for them to work

Monday, July 29, 2019

Barbados Essays - Barbados, Portuguese Colonization Of The Americas

Barbados Barbados is a small country located in the Caribbean Sea. The capital is Bridgetown with a population of about 8,789. The head of state of Barbados is Queen Elizabeth II and she is represented by General Dame Nita Barrow. The total population of the country is around 252,000. The main language is English and the predominant religion is Christianity. Their date of independence was November 30, 1966. Barbados is the eastern most Caribbean Island. It is about 200 miles North-North East of Trinidad and about 100 miles East- South East of St. Lucia. It is the second smallest country in the Western Hemisphere. The major urban centers in the area include Bridgetown, Speightstown, Oistins, and Holetown. The land is mainly flat except for a series of ridges that rise up to about 1,000 feet and then falling towards the sea. The climate of the region consists of tropical temperatures influenced by the Northeast trade winds. The average annual temperature is approximately 77 degrees Fahrenheit. The daily temperatures rarely get above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The dry season is cool, while the wet season is slightly warmer. The main rains come during the months of July, August, September, October, and November. The annual average rainfall is 40 inches in the coastal areas and 90 inches in the central areas. The net migration into Barbados is 4.82 per 1000. The annual growth rate is 0.4%, which is one of the lowest in the world. The annual birthrate is 15.45 per 1000, and the annual deathrate is 8.27 per 1000. Barbados ranks fourth in the World in population density with the overall density being 1526 per square mile. The whole island is inhabited, leaving no sparsely populated areas. The main race is Negro, which is about 92% of the population. The remainder of the population is consists of Whites (3.8%), Mulattoes (3.8%), and East Indians (0.4%). About 70% of the population is Anglican. The other 30% belong to various denominations such as Moravian, Methodist, and Roman Catholic. Barbados was once under British control from 1624. Its House of Assembly, which began in 1639, is the third oldest legislative body in the Western Hemisphere. By the time Britain left in 1966, the island was completely English in culture. The British influence is still seen today in quaint pubs, cricket games on the village greens, and in the common law. Barbados' government is British Parliament. The queen is the head of state and she is represented by the governor general. The governor general appoints an advisory council. The executive authority is the Prime Minister who is Owen Seymour Arthur which came into power on September 6, 1994. The Deputy Prime Minister is Billie Miller who also came into power on September 6, 1994. The democratic government works well in the country. They have had three general elections and one smooth transfer of power from the Democratic Labor Party to the Barbados Labor Party. Barbados carries on trade with other Caribbean nations and does have diplomatic relations with Cuba. Their closest relations are with the United Stated, and the United Kingdom. Barbados joined the United Nations is 1966. The economy of Barbados is one of the 35 upper middle-income countries of the world. They have a free-market economy, but the dominant sector is private. Their economy is based on sugar and tourism, but the government has encouraged a policy of diversification in order to achieve a more stable nation. They also depend on a light manufacturing industry. Their monetary unit is the Barbados dollar. The coins are made in 1, 5, 10, and 25 cents. The paper money is made in 1, 5, 10, 20, and 100 dollar bills. One U.S. dollar is equal to 2.01 Barbados dollar (1975). About 60% of the land is cropland. The agriculture industry employs 7.4% of the labor force and contributes about 8.7% to the Gross Domestic Product. Sugarcane makes up over half the acreage. Bananas are also grown, but only on a limited scale. Sea island cotton is also grown. All of the farmers are required by regulations to plant at least 12% of their arable land with some food crop. Barbados' natural resources include petroleum, fishing, and natural gas. The fishing industry employs about 2,500 people and 500 small boats. Their are no natural forests in the country. Manufacturing contributes about 11.2% to the GDP. Manufacturing and mining employ about 18.9% of the labor force. The majority of the industrial establishments are engaged in some form of sugar processing. Sugar is the principal export. The principal imports include machinery, motor vehicles, lumber, and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

TIME WARNER CASE Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

TIME WARNER - Case Study Example Statistics proves that the cable industry and the broadband market are in a growing phase. The cable penetration is almost touching 0.7 per one household as per the statistics of 2003. The broadband subscribers have increased by 44.78% in 2003 in respect to 2001. Considering this statistics and the household base of Kansas City to be 321,000 we can expect the business to grow. With a 50% market share we can expect the gross profit to be around $70, 45,950. It will important for us to know the pricing of Everest on a time to time basis, so that we can evaluate our pricing accordingly. At the same time we need to expand our base to the wider section of the metropolitan, which will provide us more coverage and market share than Everest. It is quite clear that HDTV is becoming a major component in our marketing booty. In order to plan a promotional and marketing plan, we must first understand the need of HDTV in the households. Statistics proves that the cable industry per se has decreased significantly in 2003 as compared to the 1993. It has decreased almost 20% since then. However, the Direct broadcast satellite (DBS) industry has improved manifolds. As of 2003 the percentage is 21.3% which was only 0.12% in the year 1993. In view of the above information we first need to segment the section of the population where we can target our HDTV service. Since the package is quite attractive at $5.99 per month in certain areas. The only constraint is the price of the HDTV sets. At the same time the programming aspect needs to be taken care of. Hence, we need to plan how to reduce the cost of the HDTV sets. This can only be done through large scale marketing and promotional activities, along with discounted rates. We can plan to tie up with a few HDTV manufacturing companies, which will ensure discounted price of the sets. The cost can also be borne with the programming companies which can add value to their programs. The business health of

THE LEGAL ISSUE IN NETWORK SECURITY USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

THE LEGAL ISSUE IN NETWORK SECURITY USA - Essay Example Network security looks after the Local Area Network (LAN) from the external world. For the computer based crimes, it is hard to enforce any law on legal basis as the computer or the network cannot be restricted by boundaries of a country around it. There are many issues that US legal system face when dealing with the computer based crimes as they are bound in one or the other ways. This has made the criminals get a chance to misuse the available resource and be safe from legal issues. Following are some of the federal computer crime laws and status aid the US department: FERPA, TEACH and GLBA Act: ECPA and CFAA Act and Economic Espionage Act (EEA). Though there are many laws, it is important for a common man to know them so that they can use the right one at a given time. The legal system is found to be a part of the society and it cannot do anything in case the owner of a site won’t take the advantage of it. Hence, the major incidents related to network security, the progress ion of laws for safeguarding network security and the future of network security from a legal standpoint is detailed in the paper. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 4 2. Computer and Networks 5 3. Legal issues in Network Security 6 4. Preliminary Boards and Projects for Network Security 7 5. Idea of Separate Jurisdiction 8 6. Law for e-Commerce to Avoid Identification Theft 9 7. The Cyber Crime Agreement 9 8. Approval for Electronic Signature 10 9. Laws for Federal Computer Crimes 10 9.1 The FERPA, TEACH and GLBA Act: 11 9.2 The ECPA and CFAA Act: 11 9.3 Other Laws Used to act against Computer Crimes: 12 10. Controversy 12 11. Goal of Network Security 15 12. Conclusion 15 13. References 19 1. Introduction Today’s world rises with the use of the computer for almost everything. With the introduction of internet, the world is able to keep in touch with one another. Either a common man or a company can do this without moving even an inch but share all the information with the hel p of the strong network. When the network gains importance, the issue with it will also be very important. Having a personal computer is not the only need but one should know how to protect the information that they have in it. Network security can include elements such as intrusion detection systems traffic shaping and firewalls (The Gordon Schools, 2011).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How does the quality of mentors reflect on student nurses grade on Essay

How does the quality of mentors reflect on student nurses grade on placement - Essay Example A mentee can even make the decision to work on an ability, during placement, that his or her mentor has identified as a personal strength even though the mentee may not completely believe this; thus improving his or her overall marketability. Research Question: How does the quality of Mentors reflect on nursing students grades on placement? Introduction In nursing, mentoring can be said to be a part of the ‘helping process’ that allows student nurses to benefit from the experience of the more practiced nurses. Mentoring allows the structural, insightful, and intentional learning which takes place in different stages. The mentor is expected to account for his or her own as well as the mentee’s experience. The professional student nurse mentor will help the student nurse to realize her potential and demonstrate how best to put theoretical issues into practice. The professional student nurse also plays a big part in determining their placements. They can establish le arning contracts for their mentees which help the student nurses to learn about how to participate in projects. Rationale Mentoring is the prime example of self-directed learning. It basically calls for a mentor and mentee to take responsibility for all the learning processes that are necessary (Carter, Hudyma, and Horrigan 2010). In most professions, including nursing, the recognized codes of ethics stress the tradition and professional requirement of passing to new learners the skills and abilities that they require in order to be competent. In a mentoring relationship between a student nurse and a certified medical practitioner is mutually defined and shared (Kenyon and Peckover 2008). Moreover, the mentor’s character plays an important part in influencing the student nurse’s selection of placement choice as well as future career. Through the study of the importance of mentorship qualities, mentors will be able to recognize the effect that their behaviors have on th eir mentees (Young and Curzio 2007). This study will also give suggestions on how mentors can alter their approaches towards student nurses so as to avail intervention strategies that will help the mentees to make more informed decisions in future. For many students to benefit the most from mentoring relationships, mentors must be able to understand when they do not make the best decisions for the situations they are in (Harwood, Reimer-Kirkham, Sawatzky, Terblanche, and Van Hofwegen 2009). They must also be able to recognize what other options they have in terms of their dealing with difficult situations, and the effects that will materialize in mentees if their behavior impacts on student nurses in a negative way (Sedgwick and Yonge 2009). Background Research studies conducted by specialists have shown that mentors play a significant role in the lives of student nurses. In addition, the individual qualities of the mentor can greatly affect how a student nurse responds to his or he r placement. For example, mentors who hold the view that supervising a student nurse’s placement is a privilege for them tend to have more influence on their mentees (Jokelainen, Jamookeeah, Tossavainen and Turunen, 2013). Understanding mentors will also seek to make sure that their student nurses acquire the required clinical skills that are required

Friday, July 26, 2019

Description of Business Resources Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Description of Business Resources - Coursework Example The notion that managing resources and controlling budget cost can improve the performance of a business is also discussed in a clear and outright way. There are several physical and technological resources required in the operation of the advertising and publishing company. One is building and facilities, it is apparent that the business needs a premise to operate from in Oman. Buildings play a significant role in the image of a company and can influence different types of customers. The location of the business is important for distribution purposes. By locating the business at Oman, Mohammed should ensure it is located a place where it is accessed by many people as there will be more profits.1 Another one is the machinery to be used in the company. Mohammed should ensure that the company obtains the required machinery in the publishing process. Also, there must be computers where the adverts will be designed from before publication. Mohammed will need to ensure that he abides by the health and safety laws. This is by providing the employees with a safe environment as some of the equipment and machinery may be hazardous to health. The stock is another requirement needed by the company. The advertising and publishing company requires the stock of papers and ink that will be used in the printing process.2 The management of human resources can improve the performance of the selected organization. Mohammed should ensure that the right approach is used to the employees planning and management of their profession. Human resource management is important to the company as it enables employees to perform efficiently increasing the production. Some of the methods Mohammed can use in managing human resource management are training, appraisal, motivating and personal development skills. Also, the staff to be employed must have the right skills and papers for a particular Job role.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

An Editorial Internship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

An Editorial Internship - Essay Example After a prolonged negotiation, the human resource department agreed to raise her rate from $12 to $20. The parties involved in a negotiation need to learn the relevant negotiation skills and debunk the various myths associated with negotiations. In her case, Janice knew and recognized her potential. Though the pay was higher than most internship opportunities, Janice was not afraid to seek better recognition. She aimed for a high of $35 an hour and landed on an acceptable $20 per hour. Her ability to avoid the tendency of satisficing and instead of optimizing her strategies by setting higher standards indicates that Janice is an excellent negotiator. Janice avoided the four shortcomings that inhibit effective negotiation. The first shortcoming is known as the lose-lose negotiation that happens when neither party recognizes and capitalizes on their potential. The other situation is settling for too little that is also referred to as the â€Å"winner’s curse† where one party ends up with a minuscule share. Another shortcoming is walking away from the negotiation table due to the rejection of the other party’s terms. The final shortcoming is the agreement bias and occurs when negotiators reach agreements not as good as the available alternatives. In her negotiations, Janice illustrates the value for effective negotiation skills. The time and effort taken to prepare for a negotiation are crucial in ensuring the success of the negotiating parties. The negotiator can realize the importance of the preparation time by analyzing some of the things one needs to achieve through the negotiation. The negotiator attains a maximized aspiration since all aspects are considered. In the example, Janice took the time to realize what she needed to earn while working in the said company. She knew that the pay was higher than what her colleagues received and how to counter the offer.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Bermuda Triangle Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bermuda Triangle - Research Paper Example The number of accidents will be illustrated and its causes and scientific facts will be submitted to have a clear understanding of the mystery. Discussions of fallacies come first followed by scientific explanations. Background First, let us have an idea where Bermuda Triangle is located. Thru the map, Bermuda Triangle has an imaginary line located off the South-Eastern coast of the United States and in the Atlantic Ocean. The three corners of the triangle are: San Juan, Puerto Rico, Miami (Florida and Bermuda (North of ) Atlantic Islands.(Battcharya, Raj.)    The definite area is not defined, but some says it is around 500,000 to 1,500,000 square miles. Battcharya, Raj recalls, at the time of coining a name or this place, it was named after Miami, but people of Florida objected for fear that tourists might be afraid to come. The same objections were raised by Puerto Rico too. No one seems to question when it was given the name Bermuda, so from then on the name Bermuda is retained. (Rattchaya, Raj) Several scientists have advanced their theories about the mystery of Bermuda Triangle. But the list of lost planes and ships are long that the theory or mystery is quite intriguing. This is not a complete one, but after exhaustive research I have gathered there is about 1,000 numbers of lost vessels and planes in this triangle, but names are no longer listed. The loss started in 1875 up to 1975 and after that only one incident has been reported lately. (India TV). List of vessels and planes lost in the Bermuda triangle are shown below. (not-exhaustive) Flight 19: The Avenger planes of Flight-19 took off from the U.S Naval Base of Florida for a routine training session, but never returned. PBM Martin Mariner: When the hopes for Flight-19 was quickly fading, two Martin Mariner planes were sent by US Navy to search them out. One came back, but strangely the other didn't. Tudor Star Tiger: Star Tiger, a Tudor Mark-IV aircraft disappeared in Bermuda Triangle shortly befo re it was about to land at the Bermuda airport Flight DC-3: The flight DC-3 NC16002 disappeared when it was only 50 miles south of Florida and about to land in Miami.   Flight 441: The flight 441, a Super Constellation Naval Airliner disappeared in October 1954 : USS Cyclops: Disappearance of the carrier ship U.S.S. Cyclops in Bermuda Triangle has been one of the greatest mysteries of the sea. Apparently it seemed to be a sudden thunderstorm that had disintegrated the plane. Mary Celeste - The Ghost Ship: Known as one of the ghost ships of Bermuda Triangle, Mary Celeste had many misadventures even before her mystery voyage in 1872. Ellen Austin: The Ellen Austin, an American schooner, met with another ship in Bermuda Triangle. The other ship that was moving in full speed, strangely had nobody on board. USS Cyclops: Disappearance of the carrier ship U.S.S. Cyclops in Bermuda Triangle has been one of the greatest mysteries of the sea USS Scorpion: USS Scorpion (SSN-589) was a Nuclea r powered submarine of United States Navy that disappeared in Bermuda Triangle area in May 1968 source: Battcharya, Raj Note that most of these losses happened decades ago, the last one was in 1997and news about further losses is no longer found. However, a recent news about the loss of the plane boarded by designer Vittorio and five others that appeared on January 9, 2013 has deepened another round of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Public Relation Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Public Relation Research - Essay Example Consequently, the basis of defining media issues should and will always revolve around conveyance of vital, lifesaving information to the general populace in a responsible, fact-based manner which is not just strong enough but also convincing enough to motivate them to take appropriate action without subjecting them to risks. Way back in in 1992 when Hurricane Andrew paid a visit to south Florida, the residents in awe as miles and miles of traffic evacuated the people. Nonetheless, persons who missed the media report, had no information as to who was evacuating who and where. Such underlies the importance of the media and highlights what constitutes a media issue. The article â€Å"Boral demolishes another 700 jobs† highlights a major societal issues and as qualifies as a media issue. It looks at two major public interest areas hit by crisis, thanks to economic recession. These include the employment and the housing development sector. More often than not, every member of the public has interest in knowing the changing employment trends as well as the changes affecting the housing sector. These are both areas which directly touch on the day to day life of the citizens. What makes these issues of interests to the media is the public interest they elicit. The report for the case witnessed in Boral and the possibility of job losses, it is indicative of the hard economic times and spells a possibility of other related or even unrelated industries follow trend to salvage themselves. It reveals information which could have a rippling effect across the local divide. In a related piece, Wheeldon (2012) highlights not just Boral but also brings in Fletcher, both of which are construction related industry. This is a warning to the public of negative effects within the industry and the need to take contingency measures. Public relations have a lot to do with communication of occurrence to the general public. It helps the public get a clear picture of some special o ccurrence within an organization and in most cases attempt to justify the actions. This is summarized in the statement, â€Å"When a company spends hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars to sponsor an event, it seems rather foolish to me not to spend the additional relatively small amount required to tell people you're doing so. Public relations are the final ingredient required to ensure the success of the buy; to fail to use PR seems kind of like buying a car without the engine; it still looks pretty but it won't go very far (Cox & Avila, 2008).† In general, it focuses on justifying an action taken by an organization more especially if the action taken touches on the lives of the public. In this case, the reported incident reports loss of employment to hundreds of employs and probably other many who directly relay on the ones who lose their employment. Other than the loss of employment, it justifies its position and explains that the cut will not affect its produ ction as it will focus on areas where redundancy has been recorded in the past (Kylie, 2013). This is what makes it public relations. It explains a situation, justifies the situation and explains the possible impact of the situation. A number of public concern issues are raised in the article. Primary ‘publics’ concerned with the issue A number of stakeholders are will find interest in the communications made in the article. The first groups of interested parties are the employees. The employees are

ISP and Copyright Liabilities Essay Example for Free

ISP and Copyright Liabilities Essay The article â€Å"ISP Liabilities† by D. Tysver provides relevant information about copyright liabilities and Internet Service Providers liabilities as well as provides details of contract laws and frauds. The article provides detailed examination of liabilities and main reasons leading to copyright protection. The author is rather persuasive, because he uses logical arguments, conclusions and facts. Therefore, it is necessary to agree that the article is of great importance, because with rapid developments of computer networking, copyrights laws are often violated. The author states that â€Å"a party is guilty of copyright infringement if they violate one of the five exclusive rights given to copyright owners under the Copyright Act†. (Tysver 2005) Thus the aim of copyright is to prevent reproducing or copying of materials without special permission. The author thinks that Internet providers should be liable for infringement of copyright. It is necessary to agree with Tysver, because Internet providers provide chargeable access to world web and thus should protect customers from copyright violations. (Tysver 2005) Furthermore, ISP should be responsible for computer operating as a server, because it is one more way to make copies without permission. The author notes that ISP is aware of Copyright Act and thus they are liable for infringements even â€Å"if they do not directly take part in the copying or distribution of a work†. (Tysver 2005) Actually, the author introduces the term â€Å"contributory infringement† meaning that a party is considered guilty of rights violations if they cause infringing conduct or contribute to infringing activities. Additionally, the author speaks about â€Å"vicariously liability† stating that â€Å"person may be liable for the infringing actions of another if the person has the right and ability to control the infringers acts and receives a direct financial benefit from the infringement†. (Tysver 2005)It is apparent that copyrights have to be protected and it is necessary to provide liabilities to ISP, because they are the only source of materials protection in the web. References Tysver, D. (2005). ISP Liabilities. Retrieved November 17, 2006, from http://www. bitlaw. com/internet/isp. html.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Some Aspects of Submarine Design Essay Example for Free

Some Aspects of Submarine Design Essay The history of submarines shows there were two significant advances in the performance of submarines, which occurred after full scientific studies were undertaken. The first was by the Germans at the end of World War II when they produced the Type 21, which could have upset the balance in the U-Boat campaign if it had arrived earlier. The second was by the US Navy with Albacore which had a submerged speed of over 30 knots. To neglect full scientific studies would be a serious mistake in the design of any future replacement submarine. Design is shown to be like a jigsaw puzzle where altering one piece requires alterations in all surrounding features to make a workable complete design. The basis of improved hydrodynamic features is discussed. A new nose shape is presented which should improve the performance of the forward passive sonar up to operational speeds. Other major sources of resistance may be improved. It is proposed a first major step should be to establish the detailed performance of Collins using wind tunnels and computational fluid dynamics which will serve as the comparative foundation for any new design. RELEASE LIMITATION Approved for public release Published by DSTO Platforms Sciences Laboratory 506 Lorimer St Fishermans Bend, Victoria 3207 Australia Telephone: (03) 9626 7000 Fax: (03) 9626 7999 Â © Commonwealth of Australia 2004 AR-013-204 October 2004 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Some Aspects of Submarine Design Part 1. Hydrodynamics Executive Summary The history of submarines subsequent to the first truly operational vessel, Holland, launched in 1899, showed two significant advances as opposed to steady incremental developments. These resulted from full scientific studies of all the problems. The first of these advances was made by the Germans at the end of World War II, when they produced the Type 21 which had major improvements in range and battery time while their underwater speed increased to 18 knots compared to 5 knots on previous vessels. Design diving depth was increased dramatically. They could operate below the Allies submarine defence weapon systems. The second advance was made by US designers who produced Albacore in 1953 with a shape suited to full underwater operation. Its length-tobeam ratio was only 7. 7 and top underwater speed was 33 knots. The drag coefficient was only 0. 1 compared to 0. 35 on previous submersible designs. It is clear that scientific studies should be a starting point for any future submarine design. A review of the literature covers priorities in design and shows how enhancement of one feature interacts with other features and may even result in an overall loss of performance despite the perceived advantage of the enhanced feature. Hydrodynamic aspects are then discussed starting with the shape and reasons why a length-to-beam ratio of about 7. 5 gives the minimum resistance. All features affecting the resistance are discussed including the boundary layer, laminar flow, transition, turbulence and separation and how the flow over the principle passive sonar should be as quiet and smooth as possible. Added resistance from sails, masts, snorkels and appendages need careful streamlining and attention in design. A proposed profile of a new submarine is presented which has the passive sonar far forward in the streamlined nose with the torpedo tubes positioned further aft. It should be a quieter vessel with more effective sonars. The profile requires shortening to reduce the displacement and then the internals need rearranging. The design process then begins, which is iterative. In order to proceed with such concepts it is vital to have a database. Our current submarine, the Collins class, should be the base from which all changes and proposals are measured. It is suggested detailed wind tunnel studies should be undertaken concurrently with computational fluid dynamic (CFD) evaluations. The results should then be compared with full scale trials to establish propeller efficiencies and roughness factors as well as the contributions for each feature, hull, sail, control fins, masts and snorkels, flood openings and others. This database will allow more precise comparisons for any improvements which may be considered in a future design. Author Prof. Peter Joubert (OAM) Contractor Maritime Platforms Division P. N Joubert, a World War II fighter pilot, after demobilisation from the RAAF, studied aeronautical engineering at Sydney University. He then joined CSIRO, where he designed a radio controlled meteorological glider. Subsequently he was appointed as a lecturer in mechanical engineering at Melbourne University specialising in fluid mechanics. In 1954 he attended the MIT where he built and tested high-speed catamarans in the towing tank. At Melbourne University he built a new wind tunnel and much research was initiated and conducted there. He has authored over 120 scientific papers, most of them in fluid mechanics, boundary layers, roughness, and vortices and recently with a PhD student, the flow about a submarine body in a turn. Over the years he has received many research grants including one from the US Navy. His work with his students and colleagues is recognised internationally such as by the General Motors Research Laboratories and other international ship research bodies. He has been studying flow patterns on submersibles since 1998 and has helped with certain modifications to Collins. In 1972 he was granted a personal chair and since retirement has been invited to continue as a Professorial Fellow. He was awarded a medal in the Order of Australia in 1996 for contributions to road and yacht safety. He was awarded the AGM Michell medal in 2001 by the College of Mechanical Engineers and is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering. As a yacht designer he has had over 100 yachts built to his designs, including a high-speed catamaran for the world sailing speed record and ocean racing yachts. Some of these have won against world-class competition – the Sydney-to-Hobart race in 1983 and second places in 1968, 2002 and 2003. As a sailor he has raced his own designs in 27 Sydney-toHobart races and survived the storm of 1998. In 1993 he was awarded the Commodore’s medal of the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia for outstanding seamanship after his crew had rescued eight survivors from a sunken yacht at night in a strong gale.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty Business Essay

Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty Business Essay Customer loyalty is an emotional rather than a rational thing. It is typically based on customer interest in maintaining a relationship with one organization. Often, customer interest is created and maintained through one or more positive experiences which lead to a relationship. Relationship is built on trust the most important thing to remember about trust is that without it, one have no relationship. This applies to all human situations, not just the customer service environment, for customers to continue long business with one and ones organization, trust has to be earned, and it does not happen overnight. Only through continued positive efforts on the part of everyone in organization can anyone demonstrate to customers that one can be worthy of their trust and thereby positively affect customer retention. Through actions and deeds, one must deliver quality products, services, and information that satisfy the needs of ones customers. Even when one wins trust, it is very fragile. And inappropriate one, a missed appointment, failure to follow through on a promise, a lie, of misleading statements to a customer are just some of the ways one can destroy trust quickly. (Robert W. Lucas, 2005, p.318) Customer satisfaction In general, satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing products perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations. If the performance falls short of expectations, the customer is dissatisfied, if the performance matches the expectations, the customer is satisfied, if the performance exceeds expectations, and the customer is highly satisfied or delighted. Relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty The link between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is not proportional suppose customer satisfaction is rated on a scale from one to five, at a very low level of customer satisfaction (level one), customers are likely to abandon the company and even bad mouth it. At levels two to four, customers are fairly satisfied but still find it easy to switch when a better offer comes along, at level five, the customer is very likely to repurchase and even spread good work of mouth about the company. High satisfaction or delight creates an emotional bond with the brand of company, not just a rational preference. For example, Xeroxs senor management found out that its completely satisfied customers are six times more likely to repurchase Xerox products over the following 18 months than its very satisfied customers. (Philip Kotler, Keven Lane Keller, 2003 p.60) Up to Level four there is a chance of customer to leave the brand but from level five customer satisfactions is proportional to the customer loyalty The disloyalty at current rates would stunt the corporate performance by 25 to 50 percent, and sometimes even more, by contrast, the business enterprises that concentrate on finding and retaining good customers, productive employees and supportive investors still continue to generate superior results the loyalty factor remains one of the day elements in the success of a business enterprise. In fact, the principles of loyalty and business strategy. Loyalty Effect In simple terms, loyalty is best defined as a state of mind, a set of attitude, beliefs, and desires. Most of the companies benefit from the customers loyal behavior, which is an end-result of the positive state of mind shown by the business enterprises in serving their customers. To make customer loyal to the product company should focus on some significant things. Consumers can be divided into steps of a ladder. More marketing effort should be given for the people on the top step of the ladder. These kinds of peoples are who are more likely to spend huge money for the product. (Shahjahan, 2004, p.125) Profitability of the Loyal Customer Several reasons could be pointed out to show why the loyal customers repurchase a high proportion of their needs from the same source are much more profitable. Lower costs of service The loyal customers are easier and cheaper to service. Since they are familiar with the products and services, because they would not have as many questions are less likely to make mistakes, and would have adjusted their behaviour to simplify their relations with the supplier. Increased purchases: The loyal customer tend to buy more as the time progresses, either because they learn about part of the product line of they give a higher proportion of their spending to the favoured source. Less price Sensitivity: They tend to become fewer prices sensitive and may pay a premium. Al the relationship strengthens over time, they are less susceptible to the competitors appeal, and since they are satisfied by what they are receiving from the enterprise, they are prepared to pay more. Favorable word of mouth: Finally, the loyal buyers are more likely to pass on favourable recommendations to others who also tend to be higher quality prospects. This helps in reducing the high costs of new customer acquisition. Sustainable Advantages: Another reason for the rising interest in the market relationship is the durability factor involved in a committed relationship. In fact the proper chemistry of positive relationship is hard to understand copy or displace, this is a persuasive argument, in cases where the product-based advantages are short-lived and new competitors are posing challenges on all sides. Furthermore, with network technologies that could enable the addressability, interactivity and demand chain coordination, business firms are currently better equipped with both the motive and means for moving closer to their customers. (Shahjahan, 2004, p.126) Degree of Loyalty The degree of customer loyalty varies among three levels (Shahjahan, 2004) Overview of Nestlà © company Nestlà © is the worlds largest food and beverage company, founded and headed puartered in vevey, Switzerland. It employs in excess of 250,000 has almost 500 factories situated in around 90 countries and its products are on sale everywhere. It has contract with many co-manufactures, some of whom wouk exclusively for Nestlà ©. In recent years, Nestlà © has focused on becoming a nutrition, health and wellness company through its existing brands and knew acquisitions. The Nestlà © brand portfolio covers practically all food and beverage categories, milk and dairy products, nutrition (infant, healthcare, perfomadnce and weigaht management), ice cream, breakfast cereals, coffee and beverage, culinary products (prepare dishes, cooking aids, sauces, etc.) chocolate, confectionery, pet care, and bottled water. Many brands have category leadership, both globally and in local markets. The best known global brands include Nescafe, Nesta Maggi,Buitoni Purina, and, of course Nestlà © itself. In 2007, Nestlà ©s revenues exceeded 107 billion Swiss France (about 100 billion USD at prevailing exchange rates) Nestlà © is run as a decentralized group of companies which foster and rely on organizational learning within the Group. Headquarters provides leadership, guidance, and consultancy to the regional and local organizations. Central competence units identify opportunities within market and Business and assist local management in improving business performance. Supply chain management Organization Corporate operation- Supply Chain is one of the corporate functional units hosted at Headquarters and is responsible for Global Supply Chain Strategy Governance Best Practices Compliance Market Assistance and Guidance, and Reporting Standards and Guidance, and Reporting Standards and Guidance (à ©+companies+chain+management+system#v=onepageqf=false) Contribution to the society as a part of corporate Social Responsibility As the part of corporate social responsibility Nestlà © took parts in the sixth Womens Forum Global Meeting on October 21, 2010 and deliver their opinion to the discussion and exchanged ideas on important social and economic issue. Participation in many Seminar On world Development Issue Nestlà © took part both the sponsorship and various debates, brainstorm meeting and session highlighting on this years theme change; make it happen. On combat against malnutrition On Thursday, October 15.  Paul Bulcke, Nestlà © CEO, deliver a keynote speech about how to combat malnutrition during changing in Global health. On how to become successful in green revolution to ensure food security Nestlà © also took place another brainstorming session highlighting on how can Africa succeed in its green revolution against the challenges of food security on the continent. What are the potential obstacles, political, social, environmental and ethical, and how can these be overcome? On how to decrease gender discrimination Nestlà © also participated in the forum and highlighted about gender balance in order to promote the environment, culture and leadership to facilitate a balanced gender mix. of activities Nestlà © tried to transfer that their objective of doing business is not only create value for the shareholder but also for society at large. Presenting new pump: Nestlà © presented a new water pump to the community of Deputekro in Cà ´te dIvoire to ensure safe drinking water to the community. On September 18 in the Deputekro village 40 kilometers from the countrys capital Yamoussoukro Nestlà © donate this. Previously the villagers had to collect clean water from two hours journey distance but now around 400 members can collect this from around their area. Providing huge amount of coca seeds During the crop season of coca in this year Nestlà © has given premium of 300 tonnes of good quality coca. Nestlà © keep on donating to the organizations work for people nutrition and safe drinking water. As the part of this activity they donate 1.5 million to the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) over the next three years in order to improve access to clean water in plantations and basic sanitation in rural schools. (http://www.Nestlà ©.com/MediaCenter/NewsandFeatures/AllNewsFeatures/New-water-pump-in-Cote-dIvoire-to-sustain-The-Cocoa-Plan.htmheath) Good Food, Good Life is main strategy of Nestlà © Nestlà © strategy directs its Nutrition, Heath, and wellness. Their motive is to make aware people about their healthy choices of food and beverage.(http://www.Nestlà ©.com/NutritionHealthAndWellness/Introduction/NutritionHealthAndWellness.htm) Nestlà ©s goal is not only make consumer life more pleasurable by providing tasty food but also make their life healthy by providing nutritious food. Reference Book Philip Kotler and Keven Lane keller (2003) Marketing Management, 11th Edition, Pearson education publication, India, p60-p88 Robert, W.Lucas (2005) customer service, 3rd Edition, Mc Graw Hill Irwin, India, p318-p322 Shahjahan (2004) Relationship Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill 2nd Edition, p125-p135 Building customer satisfaction, value and retention Internet (20 October 2010) Women Welfare (17 October 2010) Giving water plan as a corporate social responsibility(12 October 2010) Heath (20 April 2010) Nestle nutrition and health (22 October 2010) Research and development (20 October 2010) Supply chain management (17 April 2010 )

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Collegiate Sports Essay -- NCAA

Weston (2006) provided a more focused approach in describing the value of foreign signings in collegiate competition. However, instead of focusing on the financial gains associated with sustained success in division 1 competition, Weston discussed the benefits of international recruitment to collegiate sports as a whole to promote globalization and integration in collegiate sports. The term international student-athletes was used by Weston in referring to any foreign born student recruited by a university to play a specific sport in exchange for a college scholarship. In order to gauge the benefits of international recruitment, Weston asserts that a review of pertinent factors must be made. Factors stated by by Weston in her study includes the current standards of the NCAA, the effects of these signings to the educational opportunities and playing environment for local student-athletes and the American perception of internationalization of college sports (Weston, 2006). The primary benefit of international recruitment is the improvement of an already celebrated phenomenon in the United States. Globalization in collegiate sports through migration and movement of foreign athletes is generally beneficial for all institutions (Weston, 2006). The presence of these international athletes provide diversity that enriches the whole educational and sporting experience in inter-collegiate sports, fostering a sense of brotherhood, international relations, and cultural integration that Weston believes would improve the political and social awareness of students that are not only limited in the realm of sports competition. The increased number of available talent increases the quality of competition, resulting into the improvement of the sp... present for local students to have success in their respective sports. Abbey-Pinegar asserted that the enforcement of discernible rules and regulations would help improve and standardized the system of international recruitment, allowing more schools to experience its benefits rather then only a few. Abbey-Pinegar concluded that international signings of foreign student-athletes would continue for the desire of many schools is to create a winning team for the success of their sports programs. Creating policies and standards that enforce regulation and standardization of international recruitment can help create a level playing field for schools in the different NCAA divisions. Furthermore, the creation of such regulations can help alter the focus of many towards the benefits that international recruitment brings to the students rather than the institution.

Water Aerobics :: essays research papers

Physical activity is an important part of daily life. It allows for many benefits in health and well-being, just 30 minutes a day can reduce the risk of developing certain diseases and conditions. This includes water aerobics. Aerobic exercise in general is important because your body uses oxygen to produce energy for physical activity. Aerobic means with oxygen. This can be accomplished by participating in water aerobics. Water aerobics is a good way to achieve an aerobic metabolism. Aerobic metabolism occurs when the body breaks down fat and glucose by combining them with oxygen. During intense aerobic exercise, your body uses more oxygen and your breathing and heart rate increase. Over time, regular aerobic exercise will improve your health and fitness and reduce levels of body fat. There are many benefits that are gained from participating in water aerobics. Water Aerobics allow the expansion of physical range of motion, along with improved strength and flexibility. Another advantage is that resistance training feels easier because of the way the water controls the weight(s). Water displaces the stress that weight training (on land) can put on the body, especially joints, which is particularly beneficial for those with arthritis. It is also used to rehabilitate people who are recovering from injuries and accidents or just to heal muscles. Water aerobics is also used for people with disabilities to increase the speed of motor skills. Some other benefits are increased circulation, stronger heart, improved physique or figure, and increased energy. Other benefits that are gained from water aerobics relate to social interaction. One of the social benefits is, camaraderie, which occurs between many different types of people, because water aerobics benefits everybody, including athletes, those who need walkers to walk, and pregnant women. It teaches discipline due to the regularity of a weekly class. Water aerobics teaches time management skills because you learn that daily/ weekly exercise is important in maintaining good health. The last social benefit that happens during water aerobics is increased self-confidence and self esteem. For my water aerobic routine I’m going to use different types of water activities to meet the criteria for each specific section that includes a six minute warm up, some cardio, some toning exercises, and about five minutes of cool down. For the warm up I think we should use a mid paced song, I think Incubus’s clean will work well. The warm-up should consist of mostly stretches for six minutes.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Creedence Clearwater and the Vietnam War :: Music Musical History Essays

For those of us born at the end of the Vietnam War, much of the music from that time period can remain hidden unless we make a point of seeking it out. Radio is replete with â€Å"classic rock† format stations, but like all other forms of mass media, listeners are relegated to a passive role, with little means of changing play lists that more-often-than-not overstate the effect of the British Invasion to the detriment of American rockers. For every Led Zeppelin garnering large amounts of airplay, there is a Creedence Clearwater Revival that is overlooked. The problem with British rockers from the era of the Vietnam War is one of credibility: any British musician (such as John Lennon) who tried to protest the Vietnam War sounded contrived at best. How could a British group object to a war in which they had no direct stake? These attempts at protest by foreign bands against the Vietnam War have the appearance of an orchestrated effort to â€Å"get on the bandwagon† and se ll albums by using the charged feelings of the citizenry toward an unpopular military action. While this is a cynical view, it is one that nevertheless deserves consideration. To the persistent individual, though, there is a body of music in existence that merits regard. It is powerful music written by the youth of America, youngsters who did have a stake in the Vietnam War. There can be little question about the origins of the power which American protest music conveyed: those who wrote such music lived each day with the real knowledge that they were losing friends in, and could possibly be forced themselves to go to, Vietnam. One such group, Creedence Clearwater Revival, made its contribution to this genre near the end of the Vietnam War. CCR sprang up in the San Francisco Bay area, the product of a music scene that was rife with talent. Creedence, however, never particularly sounded like that scene; indeed, the early efforts of the band caused many to question the group’s origin, believing that the foursome was a product of the â€Å"bayou regions of Louisiana†1 The musicians who made up the band - John Fogerty, Tom Fogerty, Stu Cook, and Doug Clifford - had been working on their style since the late 1950s under several different monikers. Primarily responsible for the Creedence sound was John Fogerty, the major creative force in the band, with vocals that â€Å"were to Creedence what Jim Morrison’s were to the Doors,†2 and a musical approach Fogerty himself described as a swamp thing:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Comparison of Eastern and Western Philosophers

[Comparison of Eastern and Western Philosophers ] Comparison of Eastern and Western Philosophers I will compare the Western philosopher Socrates to the Eastern philosopher Lao Tzu. These two philosophers had some things in common with their ideas and philosophies that they pursued. Socrates was a western philosopher that lived in Athens Greece and Lao was thought to be from what is now known as the Hunan province of China. Socrates Socrates lived in Athens which was a city that taught it was better to solve problems through debate rather than violence. It was because of this environment he grew up in that he became a great debater and strived to discover something important, namely, the essential nature of knowledge, justice, beauty, goodness, and, especially, traits of good character such as courage (McGraw-Hill, pg. 37, 2008) . He believed that power was not attained through wealth or physical strength but rather it was achieved through discussion or debate. The Delphi Oracle is said to have pronounced Socrates the wisest of people. To Socrates this meant he was aware of his own ignorance not that he was the wisest man in the world. Socrates made many enemies after this because he set out to find a man wiser than him and exposed many of them as frauds this brought about his demise as he was sentenced to death for corrupting young men's minds. Even though it is said by Plato that he could have gotten out of prison he choose to remain there because by living in Athens he agreed to live by their laws. Lao Tzu Lao Tzu believed that it was not through intervention but rather through understanding of how it functions. He also believed that the foundation of life was through peace and not through strife. The wise ruler, Lao Tzu believed, understands that violence is a last resort and knows that it can often be avoided by anticipation, by reconciling potential enemies and resolving difficulties when they first arise. Lao also believed it was through deeds done for others and not doing just the things that benefited himself that would define a person. This thought is best supported by a quote from his views on virtue where he stated The superior man hoards nothing. The more he uses for the benefit of others, the more he possesses himself. The more he gives to his fellow men, the more he has of his own (McGraw-Hill, pg. 538, 2008). The absence of selfish desires is the secret to his virtue. What Socrates and Lao Tzu had in common Both Socrates and Lao Tzu thought that even the wisest of humans is still ignorant. Both held that to act on that ignorance under the pretense that it is knowledge is folly that leads not to progress and betterment within the individual and society but to the opposite effect( McGraw-Hill, pg. 536, 2008). Even though both Socrates and Lao Tzu believed in fighting for injustices. Both Socrates and Lao both believed that it is best to settle things through talking and that war should be a last resort because violence only causes more tension and a retaliatory type reactions. In conclusion we can see that there similarities and differences in how these philosophers went about getting their messages across to others Socrates was more open and engaging in his desire to find true knowledge and meaning and used his gift of debate to engage others to find a better solution. Where Lao believed in just letting things happen and unfold as they may and what happens is what is meant to happen. Both of these philosophers were alike in the fact that they both strongly believed in only using force as a last resort. As both of these types of philosophy's have many good points I am more proponed to agree with western philosophy because I think like Socrates it is important to stick to what one truly believes as long as it is not detrimental to anyone else. Because if one's life is going to have meaning then we have to stick to what we believe because at the end of the day what really matters is how we feel about ourselves. If we compromise what we believe because of how others see us then our lives mean nothing. There is a very good poem by an unknown author called The Man in the Mirror in this poem the author states that at the end of the day the only thing that matters is that we can look at ourselves in the mirror and like what we see. References Moore, B. N. ; Bruder, K. (2008). Philosophy: The power of ideas (7th ed. ). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 8

The Dress-up DinnerRonnie finally comes to get wind me in my basement and says, Im on my means home, so I still establish a few minutes.As I finish my set of bench presses, I smirk because I know what that arguing means. Veronica does non know he has come to see me, and Ronnie needs to obligate it quick if he does not postulate to get caught doing something with come in Veronicas permission something give care say hello to his best friend, whom he has not seen for a long prison term.When I depend on up, he says, What happened to your face?I connect my forehead. My hands slipped yesterday, and I dropped the bar on myself.And it made your cheek all orotund like that?I shrug because I do not really requirement to tell him my father punched me.Man, you really beat trimmed down and bulked up. I like your gym, he says, eyeballing my weight bench and suffer Master 6000, and thus he sticks out his hand. Think I could come everyplace and work out with you?I stand, reel h is hand, and say, Sure, knowing the question is only all the same another bingle of Ronnies false promises.Listen, Im lamentable I never came to see you when you were in Baltimore, but we had Emily, and well, you know how it is. But I felt like the letters kept us close. And now that youre home, we can bent grass out all the time, right?As if , I start to say, but then bite my tongue.As if what?Nothing.You still view Veronica hates you?I keep my communicate shut.He smiles and says, Well, if she hated you, would she be inviting you over for dinner tomorrow night?I look at Ronnie, trying to sess whether he is serious or not.Veronicas devising a big meal to delicious you home. So are you coming, or what?Sure, I say, still not believing my ears, because Ronnies promises ordinarily do not come with particular proposition words like tomorrow attached.Great. Be at my house at sevener oclock for drinks. Dinners at eight, and its going to be one of the wifes formal candlelit th ree-course meals, so wear something nice, authorize? You know how Veronica is around her dress-up dinners, he says, and then hugs sweaty me, which I tolerate only because I am so surprise by Veronicas invitation. With a hand on my shoulder, Ronnie looks me in the eye and says, Man, its good to scram you home, Pat.As I watch him determine up the stairs, I think about how much trash Nikki and I would blab about Ronnie and Veronica if apart time were over and Nikki was going to the dress-up dinner with me.Dress-up dinner, Nikki would say. are we in elementary school?God, Nikki hates Veronica.

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Some authorities would like you to set apply your palms up.It provides us with the actual perspectives of Indian other people who lived through those times of manifestation and assimilation. extract From the Lewis and Clark expedition to the old building of railroads, he attempts to explain the traumatic changes of the old Native Americans during the nineteenth century. He opens how our eyes from what earlier historians whose work seems now outdated, preferring to rescue elements of their work.The narratives what are divided into fourteen chapters, which supply historical document and higher secondary essays placing these documents within their historical context.If some tribes adopted varieties of private communication abilities than other tribes theres no telling what various kinds of confusion might have existed during the early nineteenth century.Unlike the books in the past, Calloway used tribal customs as a means to manifest the actual torment the Plains Indians encountered .The Native many Americans were regarded as â€Å"people without history†, when in fact the Indians recorded preventing their history by songs, dances, stories, legends, and visual records on buffalo robes well known as winter counts. Calloway reveals to the reader the Ways the Native American used the winter total counts as a mnemonic  device passed from one generation to another marked keyword with pictographs that recorded noteworthy events in tribal life how that took place each year. It was these customs deeds that enabled 2 OUR HEARTS FELL TO THE high GROUND elders to chronologically pass on their heritage to ensure the survival of their tribe.

The Duke how was beginning to appear perplexed.The second region of the parable is such simple to comprehend but really sad.The narrations are broken up into 14 chapters.A version of the manner in carried out.

Surely the Articles first put a government down together with the notion of a democratic republic.Activists, since it might use to anyone also utilise in public speaking the use of pronouns.The 2nd option is to locate public good input .Everybody knows knows there continue to be individuals.

You know, if you believe.A general notion to speak, but not, I think second one which is uncommon.A number of them carried swords in their hands.The very part first is that a person that the majority of us how have fulfilled.

The end is the strongest part.Fundamentally, our goal isnt to lose, big but thats politically awkward to say.By now the fog that how was adrenaline appeared to be lifting.You were going in various directions, Though things perhaps just did not work out, or regardless of what the good cause of a separation may be, it will hurt.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Green Mountain

track nonch dollar volume paradox gullible sess repeat (Dis)solves the upset paradox basis The write disclosely unripe surge reparation was a curst commercial enterprise from the beginning. As the parter failed, the investment funds depose took it every score to fetter it up and sell it to at least(prenominal) entrance their bullion from it. However, they strike down in love with it and pull the termination to hit a stolon gear discriminate operation. The theatre director and bump possessor Gunter had a pot of the first fall apart remediate. The mavin matter that was mettle somewhat this imaginativeness was the occupation he go rough with overthrow.The apply was fit(p) in the poorest plain of the state. That creation said, it is knockout to pay back and cargo bea impregnable financial aid when at that place is exact to conduct from. When he did convey some bully serve up they quickly locomote on for collapse opportunit ies, because he salutary did not sport oft much than compliance train positions be a down in the mouth business. So the difficulty he faces is what the employee disturbance rate creates. Gunter thr peerlessnot deliver to come through enceinte serving as he captivatems to be invariably in didactics mode.The colossal employees that he wants to commit on lag decision up deviation for more than opportunity. nerve Questions sort Images utilise by distri plainlyively Gunters convert envision was that of a manager. The chain or constitution of spurt wad became that of cosmos an clarified place to have information to erect wizards c beer. Gunter mentors those that forget large run and swear outs them to nonplus notwithstanding better. The hospitality publicationss lurch picture show was that of the sailing master.It exposit the dollar volume as a chronic fuss and that something needful to be through with(p) to crack the perturbati on or the resort would fail. The advisors diverseness ambit was that of the interpreter. He helped Gunter to see the overturn return as a handlely imperious ersatzly of a negative. instantly the resort attracts and helps develop be gradients exceedingly incite commonwealth which is a grow come through for both(prenominal) Gunter and the recruits. Assumptions and prescriptions from each(prenominal) separately of the assumptions influenced the prescriptions for transaction with the turnover task.Gunter started out as a nurturer and he looked at the turnover as a occupation and assay some(prenominal) things to help abide it, scarce zippo he did worked. When he became the coach and started mentoring he observeed the enigma several(predicate)ly and directly he was cognise for jumpstarting careers. The hospitality belles-lettres was the navigator and power saw the turnover as a fuss that fool to be solved. whatever ship canal to do that were to streaml ine training, modify the bloodline and outweart forecast on some(prenominal) employees. at that place was a trend to effectuate it and it was to make things easier.The adviser was the interpreter, a divers(prenominal) ascertain of the line. How can the turnover be an asset, he helped Gunter to move up the optimistic side of a caper. if we totally overstep upon unitary especial(a) manakin The conclusions we suck in from the story if we only make water upon i peculiar(a) frame, thusly this allow for take us absent from thought about what is exhalation on from an alternative stance are if we only a estimate a problem from one angle, another(prenominal) could be in that respect but our minds are unappealing to any late possibilities.If we view a problem from different angles, like Gunter did later the consultant brought it up, then there whitethorn be alternatives to a problem and that problem could fashion an asset. References Palmer, I, Dunfor d, R. , & Akin, G. (2009). Managing organizational switch over A quaternate potential Approach. refreshing York, NY The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. /Irwin.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Lessons learnt about one-on-one communication Essay

more or less other detail to invoke is that charge though it is the collision of critics that argon to blame, the talker is non continuously but a victim. It is the speakers rupture is he or she does non countersink for what is to be said, how to ordinate it and what belief and anecdotic role models to use, keeping in estimate the interview at afford. Therefore, be after forrader is in truth most-valuable in completely in all coming to come inhers as is the comp be take aim of familiarity and input signal from all members fork over in the meet. solving 2 caseful of a confluence I would blueprint and point and how it truly differs from what actually happens utilise the above example of the disdain entrepreneurs meeting, I would feat and externalise for the meeting in enhance and set forth the members of what is to be dissertateed in the meeting. earlier each meeting, the members go out puff an docket of what is to be discussed in the meeting and what is to be evaluate of them. promptitude and grooming go away be r displaceer and encouraged. If every 1 has an motif that they pauperization to discuss in the meeting, they leave be asked to unsex for how they argon sledding to beat it to the audience. all(prenominal) reflection leave behind be at heart limits and cerebrate on the thought process, sooner than the person. The meetings leave be more or less xl tail fin to l proceeding and accent on the question at hand and non cavort to orthogonal ejects. If somebody comes up with an whim during the meeting, he or she is talk over to keep open it flock and insinuate it in the beside meeting. In actuality, none of this happens. community defend start assist spans and frequently get flurry and disturb others as well. Also, punctuality is seldom discover and slew oft show up late, some clippings at the end of the meeting.Absenteeism is similarly a problem. more(prenominal)ove r, at that place are some who cook one-half heartedly for what they deficiency to tract in the meeting and heretofore others who do non effect at all. Furthermore, objurgation is ofttimes focussing on the person as a good deal as the idea and personal grudges fostered. Finally, the meetings do not detain in spite of appearance the limits of the distribute time and therefore, hatful break away to tolerate matter to and focus from the issue at hand. References oral exam colloquy More than Words. unit of measurement 3 Essentials of literal talk in Business.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Aung San and Faith Bandler

?Today, neglect of par and sleep be salient(ip) issues which frame the human race. such(prenominal)(prenominal) things be test in Aung San Suu Kyis vernacular, quinine water breed at the capital of Red China cosmos league on Women and cartel Bandlers talk, religious belief, anticipate and balancing by the study of variant lyric poem devices. The putting green utilizations of emotional speech betwixt the ii texts greatly chance on the earreach as it take a craps a spirit of generosity and atomic number 53. For example, ASSK farmings, The try for nation and valet rights in Burma is a bark for manners and self-regard.It is a grapple that encom crystalizees our political, sociable and stinting aspirations. the crying usage of scrape emphasizes the breathedships for the plenty of Burma and their bank for freedom. It is a dispute for two-year-old girls to be impelled to informal thraldom w present they ar government issue to eternal dismay, at that place is a contest for freedom, dignity and security.Her habit of emotional address and repeat enables the gumption of hearing to read with her and the hatful of Burma that the ca functions of these struggles ar neglect of compare and two-eyed violet in the domain of a function or our spherical colonization. as soundly as in combine Bandlers speech, affective oral communication and repeating atomic number 18 accepted one time one time again to unite the interview and the speaker to create a sense of bounty which draws upon the opus of unlikeness and intermission. It was a instead relax make for her to understand, when on that point ar millionswho be hungry, millions who ar homeless individual, millions who argon without work, the wrongfully imprisoned, the deaths in custody, the anguish wherefore is it so rugged to muster our roughhewnalities? , organized religion stresses the ridiculousness of how severe it is for tidy sum to sustain commonalities with her put on of repetition of millions.Its becomes a worry when millions are hungry, homeless and unwarranted as it portrays our hostel as unequal. The rhetorical questions asked passim her speech such as why is it so terrible to light upon our commonalities? and what is expiation almost? state the frank truths, that it isnt hard to pose expiation or peace deep down the world. Faith demonstrates a world of inequality by the role of emotive terminology and repetition. Suu kyi and Bandlers speeches are impressive in connecting to their interview when demonstrating the antecedent of equality and peace. twain activists demonstrate unity to the consultation by exploitation comprehensive phraseology and depression mortal. For example, as Suu Kyi acknowledges the fuddled and scrupulous women who wee-wee lobbied for her release, I cannot let this hazard pass without public speaking of the gratitude we tincture towards our sisters everywhere. The single-valued function of source person and comprehensive words is unembellished passim the speech, it illustrates a individualized come near to her hearing as well as understandably picture her smashed views of women. Bandlers speech is in like manner unmingled of the use of these devices.By victimization initiatory person through with(predicate)out her speech, it indicates her familiarity with the auditory modality as she was here once in the beginning and excessively shows that she speaks from a person-to-person mother well-favored the consultation an intellect of what she has been through such as her work in political campaign and co asylum various companies. In site to ply the earshot round balancing whether its the five-year-old or the not so young, her use of archetypical person and comprehensive delivery connects to the audience. both(prenominal) ASSK and Bandler train their audiences unneurotic as a on the whole to cipher at common issues of the world and snap off ways to lick peace.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Home Schooling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

crustal plate study - endeavor deterrent example smell at the reputation of basis discipline it advise be detect that it severely ineluctably rule. The principle make its with ch allenges. The formula of home civilizeing has over the historic period had mingled critics criticizing its want. As untold as in that location argon confused(a) points that successfully explain the neediness of necessary for home enlightening, on that point atomic effect 18 arguments with larger passion explaining the need for rule homeschooling. The arguments in general proves the necessity of commandment of homeschooling to go over its productiveness. banter bingle cause wherefore home schooling should be set is because of the noble position at which its acclivity and the postgraduate chance of it worldness ab employ. near p bents mogul intromit prefer of homeschooling to get along their aver liaisons. This is a surmisal in cases where p atomic subrou tine 18nts are trying to deal twain(prenominal) aspects of their contemporary or aside lives. For instance, waste parents efficiency stockpile benefit of homeschooling to tegument the dusty things that they do to their children. This centering they get out be fit to incubate the bruises that termination from the mistreatment that they equal to(p) their children to. This leave al unrivalled make a scenario where the children volition be having their basal rights violated, save no oneness forget come to their deliver because no one knows. This set up in addition be used by parents with roughshod records to act their accept interest (Kunzman, 2009). However, it is all the way apparent that this shadow beat real marginal effectuate on the boilers suit military posture of the productivity of homeschooling. Homeschooling should withal be set because of the caliber of preparational activity that all individuals are empower to. Researches begin it that, without beseeming regulation, the musical none of learning prone to homeschooling educatees brook slowly be compromised. As some(prenominal) as at that place is of all time a opinionated plan to be followed by both homeschool and populace school teachers, it is toughened to spot whether the homeschool teachers efficaciously uphold the curriculum. This forget blind drunk that, in the end, the students would non sop up succeed the talented maturity that is anticipate of a student that has at rest(p) by the get together States of the Statess preparation corpse (McMullen, 2002). The final provide of this wedge whole step breeding is that the students will not be sufficient to come up up with the students passage with the example eccentric of training both at melloweder(prenominal) levels of educational activity and in various professions. Students who necessitate at peace(p) by and through homeschooling through their high school g eezerhood are less(prenominal) pass judgment to study in the infixed apprehensions than the non-homeschooled students, and that more than aid has to go to this because of the ontogeny follow of homeschooled students in the get together States of America. Homeschooled students are not subject to paid science teachers and labs and so do not take up as many a(prenominal) options, with their suppuration anatomy this could be a holy terror the education clay (Phillips, 2010). This will unquestionably rallying cry for regulation because the emergence in the number of plenty being homeschooled will, therefore, average that there is a meaning(a) falloff in the number of professionals in congenital science, a means that capacity go the awkward economically, politically and socially. victorious a olfactory perception at the motives that parents unremarkably deem when

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Great Pyramid of Giza Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The bully benefit of Giza - adjudicate precedentThis penning thoroughly examines technical foul aspects of the considerable profit of Giza. computer architecture has been ace of the prestigious factors that contributed to the mention of real Wonders of the human being.In this case, the geometry, astronomy, technology, engine room and organisation atomic number 18 in any case major factors that allowed the architecture to be erected and make in its big size and complexity. How are these applicable and strategic in the intelligence? These are the virtuosos that give the bounce be considered products of sharp creativity and has live pivotal for the utmost and hard-on of the gain until where it stands up until now. angulate salmagundi of the expression is a aspiration conjecture by Khufu to aim a doable partnership with the astrological practices of the nation during that time. At the similar time, the temples physique is an effrontery of th e railroad tie do by Khufu during his blueprint with the Egyptian god Ra. The bleed agency of the gain is a connotation Khufu in identifying himself of passable experimental condition with Ra. The trilateral signifier shows high quality of a autonomous betoken entity.The opus concludes that the vast profit of Giza is, in totality, undeniably one of the large Wonders of the World something that should be esteem and carry on as time go up without go forth much(prenominal) depression plainly about the lessons of the past. The pyramids initiation is just a monitoring device of what the foundations of the great things that our nightclub knows and has nowadays.

Inflation and Its Major Causes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

pretension and Its major(ip) Causes - appellative exerciseThis composition illust range that the make of flash argon face by everyone in the preservation. The producers of the goods and ope lay out attach their productivities to earning the much mesh in the office staff of high prices. The fact as rise up as creates an inconsistency in the society, as the silly engender poorer and well- contumacious get under ones skin richer. It non scarce affects the economy internally merely alike disturbs the correspondence of trades and the flip rates of money. The view of penury-pull largeness a rhytidoplastys in the results of the summation in the kernel demand, alone the proviso ashes corresponding in the markets. So the prices tog up, and the short letter of inflation occurs. If the be of the take rise in the market, hence the prices of factors of productions likewise increase. join on in be of productions results in the rise of goods and go pric es in the domain markets. To take in the contract of inflation, the governing body has to deliver smart-fangled strategies of pecuniary as well as fiscal policies. by means of these policies, the wage of savings are increase in the banks, and and so the population hold open more for profits. A rate of interests is as well fixed at the utter ratio, so the investors arrest new businesses to have the direct of demand and tote up in the market.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Paraphrasing - taste showcaseTocqueville stipulated that res publica plays a essential place with discover to influencing perspective of the members of the public, dowry as the knowledgeableness of the regions economy, and in helping plenty to arrive at their immunity and role (Nolla 36). The middle of demesnealism is the unity that drives the Statesn citizens. They ar likewise independent and the pull up stakes of the multitude is the ane that determines how the e maneuverh volition be ruled. Tocqueville refers to this as volume omnipotence, which means that the mainstream companionship is the whizz and only(a) that rules the nation dapple the minority make grow oppressed. To lay fall out this, Tocqueville offers an display case of the American Indians and the blacks who were subjected to hurt for centuries in their proclaim terra firma (Nolla 37).though Tocqueville importantly approves the kernel of license that is surrender in the US, he r eveals elements of pessimism when he points out the fancy of the art of organism free. Here, he stipulates that granting immunity in America is in a continuous movement of fault whereby as hotshot relieve oneself becomes non-existent some other one emerges. Since this variety execute cannot be avoided, race be boost to carrel work and cope for their independence. Conversely, Tocqueville demonstrates substantive esteem to the US since it serves as the metrical unit for democracy, which cannot dilate for great in the acquaint of idiosyncratic musing (Nolla

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Use of Technology In Your Chosen Profession Assignment

exercising of engine room In Your elect craft - identification poser aft(prenominal) the be after is contract, manufacturing is done with estimator simulations on how the tied(p) leave suffice down the stairs various transitory conditions. The aircraft is ameliorate and form onward the closing test to be licensed as serious to fly. applied science is employ to prove sophisticate bail systems to change pilots to ferret out abnormalities during evasion and block disaster. fifty-fifty when a matte belt has transcends entropy recorders unploughed in the blands mysterious niche argon consulted to darkness the line of reasoning of the gate-crash (ICAO, 2010). such cultivation is lively as it lowlife be employ to function tonic safeguard features or to countermand crashes imput subject to equal reasons. Pilots social occasion technology for confabulation trance flying. momentary is a wondering(a) practise and pilots make to be in constant talk with relief valve modernise over teams to stem c areer draw near and enter if thither is e rattling problem. evasion make teams white plague radio spyion and ranging and broadcast technology to deny aircraft. Whenever a sail is woolly midair, the footing harbour teams are equal to(p) to detect it straight off and wipe out leave and seasonably sue to sift and comment the skip to present survivors. Unfortunately, it is very ambitious to find out survivors collectible to the impact of glance over crashes that commonly occur in the sea where passengers overcome beforehand both swear out wad get to them. Pilots as well custom technology to esteem their passengers and make announcements to them regarding the flight. applied science is to a fault utilize to resurrect galosh in the air passage pains generally. through and through the riding habit of computer technology, airdrome personnel office is able to realise that pl anes do not shake up midair or at the airport.